Renfield is an upcoming movie set to be released in 2023. The film is directed by Chris McKay and written by Ryan Ridley, with Robert Kirkman and David Alpert producing. Renfield is a horror-comedy that explores the life of R.M. Renfield, the character from Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula.
The Plot
The movie follows the story of R.M. Renfield, a lawyer who becomes the loyal servant of Dracula. The story takes place before the events of Bram Stoker's novel and explores Renfield's life before he meets Dracula. The movie also delves into his descent into madness and his eventual servitude to the infamous vampire.
Renfield is a unique take on the classic horror story, as it focuses on the character of Renfield instead of Dracula himself. The film promises to be a mix of horror and comedy, with a fresh perspective on the well-known story.
The Cast
The movie stars Nicholas Hoult as R.M. Renfield, with Mackenzie Davis, Mia Wasikowska, and Willem Dafoe in supporting roles. Hoult is a versatile actor known for his roles in X-Men: First Class, Mad Max: Fury Road, and The Favourite. Mackenzie Davis is best known for her roles in Terminator: Dark Fate and Blade Runner 2049. Mia Wasikowska is a talented actress known for her performances in Alice in Wonderland and Crimson Peak. Willem Dafoe, on the other hand, is a veteran actor who has appeared in numerous films, including The Florida Project, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and Spider-Man.
The Production
Renfield is produced by Skybound Entertainment, the production company behind The Walking Dead TV series. The movie is directed by Chris McKay, known for his work on The Lego Batman Movie and Robot Chicken. The screenplay is written by Ryan Ridley, who worked on the TV series Rick and Morty. The movie is set to be released in 2023 by Universal Pictures.
Final Thoughts
Renfield is a highly anticipated movie that promises to deliver a unique take on the classic horror story of Dracula. With an impressive cast and a talented production team behind it, the film is sure to captivate audiences with its blend of horror and comedy. Fans of horror movies and classic literature should definitely keep an eye out for Renfield when it releases in 2023.